The Spirit And Science Of Being At The Cottage
The Subtle Dynamics of being at the cottage tap an elemental chord that deepen the connection to intuition and insight, giving you multiple entry points to the power of your subconscious.
These are the small and subtle reasons why it makes a difference to be here to pursue something extraordinary
As you engage with the ones you are drawn to, you will develop the connection with your subconscious and deepen the relationship with your Inner Knowing.
You will notice an emergent inner stillness and will find that you are being present in time more of the time, while wasting less time racing up and down the zip wire from past to future.
This opens the potential for profound results. Creativity is intensified, mental performance improves and the experience is enriched.
Spending Time Alone
Spending time alone for long enough triggers a radical shift in perspective. Removing yourself from mundane distractions gives your mind the opportunity to relax, replenish and expand.
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Rich Conversations
Virtual and face to face conversations create a space for expansion. Lively, progressive and provoking, they provide a stimulating counterpoint to spending time alone.
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Hidden Seams Of Inspiration
Know how to reach your hidden seams of inspiration held in your unconscious at will.
- Deepen your connection to intuition and insight
- Step back far enough to see clearly
- Unlock free-thinking by being ‘in’ time more of the time

The Cottage
Inside and out, the cottage stimulates your senses while composing the body and mind. It becomes natural to distil your thoughts and ideas. Your imagination gets a free rein, you can think clearly … and explore.
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Being In Nature
‘You should sit in nature for 20 minutes a day. Unless you’re busy, then you should sit for an hour.’ Old Zen Meditation
A raft of studies has been carried out in recent years proving what we already intuitively know – that being immersed in nature is a beneficial tool in increasing focus, reducing psychological stress, expanding the mind and enhancing creative thinking.
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Food For Thoughts
Nourish, satisfy and stimulate your mind and body with food that gives you simply the very best nutritional benefit you can extract from a simple meal. Give us a list of your favourite foods and we will create bespoke meals that will enrich your body and mind and have you savouring every mouthful.
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“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” Albert Einstein
There is a plethora of activities at the cottage to stimulate creative thinking, to pause and step back while you adjust your perspective.
Artistic activity increases brain connectivity and plasticity, encouraging creative thinking and problem solving. Find your own unique solutions.
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Reinforce the message of a complete change of pace, let go of mundane distractions and enjoy a therapeutic massage of your choice soon after you arrive.
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Movement Matters
When you move you access your body intelligence. Whether it’s travelling to a new location, walking out across the top of a ridge or just taking a step and turning to face a new direction.

Imagine Something Extraordinary
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” Albert Einstein.
You get what you imagine and think about the most. Day dream and plot – imagine whatever you want. Being At The Cottage is one of the best
times to begin strengthening the muscles of your
imagination for creating something extraordinary.
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Birdsong is special. It is naturally relaxing and reassuring. Over thousands of years of evolution we have learnt that when the birds sing, we are safe. It is when birds stop singing that we may need to worry. Having birdsong as the backing vocals to your stay uplifts and inspires.
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Gong Bath
During your stay, absorb the phenomenon of a private sound healing session, which includes the gongs. A gong bath is as scientifically sound as it is mysterious. It brings balance, alignment and restoration and is as other-worldly as it is logical. It requires nothing but receptivity in order to be fully experienced, but it must be experienced in order to be understood.
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In The Garden
Go into the garden and expand your creative space. Stroll, sit, contemplate, listen, smell and absorb. Catch your breath for a moment and think about why you are doing what you are doing.
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Walk And Wonder
Discover hand-picked trails to inspire, stimulate and invigorate you. Walk or run straight from the back door onto easy forest tracks or take a more exerting route up the dingles and streams and onto the hilltop where exhilarating views await you.
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Talk To Yourself
This is an essential tool to process experiences. When you talk to yourself, either in your head or out loud, you connect to your dormant genius and access a higher level of consciousness.
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Hop under the shower or soak in the bath add a dash of essential oil. 72% of people get creative ideas when bathing, because of the effect of being in and around water.
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Intuitively we know that breathing in deeply is good for us. It massages and nourishes the internal organs, increasing blood circulation and the oxygen in your blood vessels. It’s impossible to avoid drinking in the pure, intoxicating air while you’re at the cottage.
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Stop ………. and listen to birdsong, the silence, music that moves or inspires, the micro noises of your body, the conversation in your head. Do more than just listen with your ears. Give the sound the full attention of your body, mind and energy.
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Being Still
Consciously become still – notice your body and your thoughts. Sense the micro-movements in your body, starting from the top of your head, across your face and around the back of your neck. Start to notice your connection to something more.
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Star Gaze
Explore the night skies and ponder the mysteries of the Universe. The cottage is within an area fully deserving of its International Dark Sky Reserve status. You can enjoy superb views on a clear night with light pollution non-existent.

Just Write
Write without thinking. Write like no-one will read it. Write whatever comes through your hand and onto the page, allow it to flow. Writing materials provided.
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Time To Stand And Stare
“…You just stopped, listened and allowed yourself to enjoy the feeling, for a short moment, of being at one with nature and your surroundings.“
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A Feast For The Senses
Inside and outside the cottage you will find a multitude of ways for your senses to be tantalised and stimulated. The more you look, the more you notice.
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Look At Our Experiences
If you’d like to chat about one of our Experiences, please use the link below: