‘What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows.’               Â
W H Davies 1911
It’s over 100 years since W H Davies wrote those words, and most of us are now hurtling through life so fast that when we do trip up, the momentum is so strong that we metaphorically end up taking those wild and uncoordinated strides, trying to avoid the impending crash to the ground. – Often we can’t stop ourselves falling.
When I decided to change Graig Ddu from a holiday cottage into a boutique business retreat I knew I wanted to identify the small and subtle reasons why it would make a difference to come and stay. I ended up calling them the Subtle Dynamics because that’s what they feel like to me.
Stopping to stand and stare is just one of over 20 subtle dynamics that I identified as bench marks of Being At The Cottage.
Small, simple, stylish and intimate, the boutique business retreat is the antithesis of the executive retreat, or ‘off-site’. The only thing they have in common is that they both get you away from the office ……. And thank God for that, but that’s where the comparison ends.

Business retreats, as well as the solo retreats out there, generally involve mixing with fellow business professionals, or, in the case of a solo retreat, with strangers who are on a similar quest. It’s always seemed strange to me that on a solo retreat there is little opportunity for experiencing the luxury of spending alone. Being At The Cottage is a business retreat designed for one. The experience is especially for those who are ready to come away alone, leaving behind everything except your vision, your conundrum or plan, and to flirt with a change of consciousness, soaking up the privilege of spending time alone.
Spending an extended amount of time on our own gives us the space to develop ideas, work through problems and connect to intuition in a deeper way, allowing us to trust our judgment without our conclusions being influenced or diluted by the opinions of others.
The essence of the boutique business retreat is a sublimely creative space. Immersed in the stunning scenery of the Black Mountains, on the Eastern edge of the Brecon Beacons National Park, Graig Ddu, also known as The Cottage in the Forest, for most of us how can’t pronounce the Welsh, is laced with a contagiously peaceful aura. For business professionals, to settle down to life here for a few days, triggers fresh thinking, focuses the mind, presents new perspectives, and eases open that part of you where all the answers are held – the hidden seams of inspiration in your subconscious mind.
Get in touch now to find out more
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