For Innovators, Leaders & Entrepreneurs with a Vision For Change – Evolutionary coaching experiences, including spending time alone. Create the perfect conditions for right thinking – Breathe | Think | Be in the Black Mountains | Monmouthshire
When we separate ourselves from the white noise or our work environment, relinquishing the digital gadgetry that props us up, curious and wonderful things happen.
Developing the relationship with your subconscious will give you the edge you need to succeed. The more you can connect with your subconscious the more extraordinary results and eureka moments it will give you.
Thing No 2 – Dissolving barriers to progress
As you pursue something extraordinary, accessing the hidden seams of inspiration held by your subconscious, you will trigger eureka moments and dissolve barriers to progress.
Thing No 3 – Stimulate creative solutions
Leaving behind habitual distractions and spending time alone while tapping into the Subtle Dynamics at the cottage deepens your connection to your subconscious. You get an Access All Areas pass to the infinite well of creativity and innovation stored there, and creative solutions will be stimulated as you develop a deeper connection with it.
Thing No 4 – You get what you think about most
It’s not so much about trying harder to think smarter, it’s about learning a style of non-thinking thinking. It’s about being more, and doing less. Gradually learning to spend time with this expansive awareness is important because the subconscious does not think independently. It follows instructions absolutely, and will deliver whatever you repeatedly imagine, feel and tell it to. You get what you think about most.
Thing No 5 – It stores all your memories, beliefs, experiences and emotions
The subconscious is your gut feeling and intuition and works in harmony with the Subtle Dynamics of being at the cottage in the forest. The subconscious is extraordinary. It holds onto everything and never sleeps. You will never feel alone once you engage your subconscious. It stores all your memories, experiences, beliefs and emotions and is continually processing upwards of 15 million pieces of information in any single moment. In contrast, your conscious mind is only able to process 7 bits of information at any one time, plus or minus 2.
Thing No 6 – It works according to your conditioning and beliefs – always
Your subconscious has the job of taking this almost infinite amount of information and filtering it down to what must be used by your conscious mind. This will be different for each individual and will depend on the conditioning and beliefs accumulated over time, some of which will be barriers to progress.
To engage with the subconscious is to be able to see and create whatever you choose because it has direct access to Universal intelligence (your higher self), which your conscious mind does not. Until you take control of your relationship with your subconscious, information from your hidden seams of inspiration is only passed onto the conscious mind if the subconscious determines that there is a need for it to do so. Otherwise it holds onto that information until you trigger its release. You can open a dialogue with your subconscious through connecting with any of the Subtle Dynamics, opening up the streams of consciousness which contain the eureka moments you are looking for.
As your awareness of the power of your subconscious mind sharpens, and you allow the process to unfold naturally, trusting that everything you need to know is already here, your subconscious will gratefully offer up to you everything it has been holding onto.